Eric Hayes' Bionic Nominated by Argentinian based- Zone Nights Music Blog
Eric Hayes, tiene buen pop con su reciente sencillo, Bionic.
Bionic, es una de esas canciones que se te pegan rápidamente y se convierten en tu aliado para romper con la monotonía de la rutina diaria.
Bionic, suena muy bien y tiene ese estilo que todo fanático del género, debe tener en su reproductor.
Si todavía no lo pudiste escuchar, acá lo podés.
Subí el volumen.
Es una presentación exclusiva de Zone Nights para Argentina.
Eric Hayes, has good pop with his recent single, Bionic. Bionic is one of those songs that sticks to you quickly and becomes your ally to break the monotony of the daily routine. Bionic, it sounds great and it has that style that every fan of the genre should have in their player. If you still haven't heard it, here you can. I turned up the volume. It is an exclusive presentation of Zone Nights for Argentina. Enjoy!